Mozzy Dee is now the 2024 Ameripolitan Awards Rockabilly Female of the Year!
“Retro sensibilities with modern production, love it down to the roots - and it's all roots, baby!”
ZZPTM had it right on the Rum Bar Records site when reviewing Mozzy Dee’s new album, “Orale!” Mozzy Dee is ALL ROOTS. Her Chicana heritage is what drives her, her love for vintage music is what ignites her, and her passion for singing is what makes her music roar!
Mozzy Dee is a rockabilly and roots music singer out of Albuquerque, NM originally from El Paso, “El Chuco”, Texas. She is influenced by many great artists of the past like Etta James, Patsy Cline, Barbara Pittman, Ruth Brown, and more. Her love for The Smiths also influences her songwriting- her tattoos of Morrissey and Smiths lyrics are the reason behind her name. Mozzy Dee is the culmination of driven passion! She is one powerhouse of a voice you will love!
Rum Bar Records
Mozzy Dee is now an artist with the music label out of the New England Area. Check out their website here:
Top 10 Hot Prospects in Vintage Rock Magazine
Mozzy Dee is one of the Top Ten Hot Prospects of 2022, according to Vintage Rock Magazine!